Tuesday, February 8, 2011


After spending the morning in Oradea tracking down the last of my supplies I have arrived in Pietroasa. My host family has supplied me with a lovely room and have taken to fattening me up. Apparently I am too skinny and need to eat........ and eat and eat and eat. Very good food. I don't know what any of it was(possibly chicken soup with a gray mystery meat still on the bone) but it was very good. So much for plant based nutrition. The home made donuts were a nice touch, too.

I really like like it here. A small quit town and the mountains right out the back door. I can easily walk to my studio where 600m of steel awaits. The store is right across from the studio so I am sure to partake in their fresh baked goods. The river that cuts through the middle of the town has a nice cleansing effect. And brings a certain amount of vigor.

I am writing this for the mayor's office; my only access to the internet. The lady who keeps watch over the offices while closed brought me a cup of tea after opening the door for me. How cool is that?! Have I mentioned how kind and sweet everyone is? Just a few days here, I can't speak the language, but I understand.

But, alas, the warmth of the tea is making my eye lids heavy. Tomorrow will be a day of exploring the woods in search of inspiration.....? or maybe just some fun..........

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