Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cultural Snow

The snow has fallen. To little surprise. A large ring encircled the full moon a few nights past and what was falling last night was fiendishly clever, not snow but not quit rain. The snow is fluffy and wet. Hanging to the trees and covering the ground where it can but melting on the roads and running to water on the slopes.

A heavy grey mist hangs low over the village. Only a minutes walk out into the fields the mist swallows the sight of the village leaving little trace that is still there. Only the occasional sound would penetrate the grey; the cluck of chickens, the barking of dogs, cars on the road above and the gobble of a lone turkey.

Yesterday I was able to make a trip into Bieus by the good graces of Dana, Abraham and Bianca. A strange culture shock ensued. Bieus is a large city, at least much larger than Pietroasa, with all that you would find in a city. I saw no horse drawn wagons, loads of cars, people every where, noise, smog, the city life. We shopped in an open air market then went to the super market where I saw Apple Jacks (in a bag not a box, however). A twenty minute drive down the road, only because the roads are so bad, and I'm back home living by simple means. Woodstove for heat and cooking, outhouse, the majority of food made fresh and from ingredients grown or raised by those preparing it. While people right down the road are downloading You Tube videos and watching some guy try to sing a Lady Gaga song on Romania's Got Talent. And all the while I'm just trying to understand the language and convince my hosts that I'm full.

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